



乳酸菌(实验室)可以被定义为革兰氏阳性,耐酸,一般孢子,non-respiring,杆状(杆菌)或球形(球菌)共同的细菌代谢和生理特征。这些细菌通常是发现在分解动物和植物来源,产生乳酸发酵碳水化合物的主要代谢终产物。他们常常分布在传统发酵食品和饮料,以生产生物活性化合物的品种具有有效的对抗活动对食源性病原体和有害微生物。乳酸菌被广泛用作益生菌在食品行业,因为他们是有用的在腹泻疾病的预防和治疗。益生菌是活的微生物,有效对抗活动,也在管理适量促进消费者的健康。因此,本研究旨在评估乳酸细菌的抗菌活性和益生菌产权分离出一些选定的埃塞俄比亚传统发酵食品和饮料。因此,在这项研究中不同类型的埃塞俄比亚等传统发酵食品和饮料(Kotcho,大疱,因此,Shamita,梁和Bukuri)被收集并运送到微生物实验室(Jimma大学生物学)隔离和表征,评价抗菌和益生菌的实验室分离。对180个样本完全;30 Kotcho 30大疱,30因此,30 Shamita, 30周边的收集和30 Bukuri乳酸菌的隔离和表征。隔离和表征的乳酸菌进行了形态后,生理、生化和分子特征和评价益生菌活性的实验室,实验室的宽容和存活率不同应力条件低pH值、肠道抑制剂物质,盐浓度高,胆汁盐,刺激胃肠液和肠道抑制剂物质进行评估。 Similarly, antimicrobial activity of LAB isolates were investigated against standard bacteria pathogens; S.aureus, S.Thyphrium, E.coli, P.aurugionsa, K.pnemonia and C. albcans. From the total 570 LAB isolates characterized, 125 of them were identified as the potential showed good antimicrobial activity and potential probiotic characteristics. But, from 125 LAB isolates screened, only 27 LAB strains were selected and screened for this study to see their molecular characterization. Hence, from all traditional fermented foods that have been collected Lactobacillus species were the dominant lactic acid bacteria. On other hands, from the total LAB isolates tested for their potential probiotic property 18 of them have showed potential probiotic property, since all the isolates were capable to tolerate low pH, bile salt, high salt concentration and survive stimulate gastric or intestinal juice as well as intestinal inhibitor substances. So, finally 18 LAB strains were selected as potential probiotic LAB to be applied as best starter culture and for the enhancement fruits and vegetables shelf life. On other hands, the outcome of these studied parameters were used as input data for a principal component analysis (PCA) to select the most promising isolate and the isolates were identified through 16S rDNA sequencing. This study provided a basis for the selection of antimicrobial peptides and the development and utilization of LAB for their potential antimicrobial activity and probiotic activity.




  • 谷歌学术搜索
  • 打开J门
  • 中国国家知识基础设施(CNKI)
  • 宇宙如果
  • 目录索引》杂志上的研究(DRJI)
  • Scholarsteer
  • 秘密搜索引擎实验室
  • 欧元的酒吧

