

作者(年代):Douye P Markmanuel *, Donbebe Wankasi和Tarawou Timi

多年来,一直是一个重大的环境公害,和铅中毒是一个重要的流行在世界上许多国家包括尼日利亚。大多数时候,铅中毒已被确认为一种慢性环境疾病之后发展长期不良的健康影响。然而,本研究调查了浓度、分馏、铅和潜在的健康风险四种食用蜗牛(A。achatina, L。flammea, P。aurita和t . fuscatus)获得巴耶尔萨州,尼日利亚使用火焰原子吸收光谱仪(FAAS)。铅的平均浓度(干/湿,意味着±SD);一个。achatina (29.5±5.41), L。flammea (8.00±1.00), P。aurita (. ± . ), and T.fuscatus (27.8 ± 2.89). These values were higher than the permissible limits of FAO/WHO and FEPA. Speciation analysis showed that the water soluble fractions were below the limits of WHO and FEPA. Polar and non-polar fraction were below detection limits (BDL), indicating non-availabilities of polar and non-polar lead species in the snails. While the residual fractions were higher than the acceptable limits of WHO and FEPA. Health risk assessments results revealed that the chronic daily intake (CDI) of lead in the snails were in the decreasing order of P.aurita > A.achatina > T.fuscatus > L.flammea with values of 15.52, 12.14,11.14, and 3.29 respectively. These values are higher than the provisional daily intakes of lead set by WHO and FEPA. The non-carcinogenic health risks of lead in the snails were generally low ( = < ), indicating non-cancer adverse health risk at the moment. However, the carcinogenic risk indices of lead in the snails were within the threshold values of . × − − . × − set by USEPA. Therefore, considering the bioaccumulative nature of lead, these snails should be consumed moderately
