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作者(年代):Zohreh Mashak

背景:水生食品来源可能有诺瓦克病毒的人类污染,可引起病毒性胃肠炎。目的:本研究的主要目的是调查伊朗胡齐斯坦省不同水生动物来源的诺瓦克病毒。材料与方法:从池塘中捕获鲢鱼、鲤鱼、大头鱼、草鱼等鱼类40条,虾10条,用冰袋将样品转移到实验室。肠分离后,使用两个无菌过滤器提取肠内容物。上清采用杯状病毒家族特异性基因(p289 / 290基因)进行RT-PCR。然后对杯状病毒阳性样本进行特异性诺瓦克病毒检测(NVp36/ NVp35基因)。结果:感染杯状病毒家族(p289 / 290基因)和诺沃克病毒(NVp36/ NVp35基因)的样本分别占8%(4份)和6%(3份)。在杯状病毒阳性样品中,鲤鱼、鲢鱼和虾分别有2个、1个和1个其他样品呈阳性。诺瓦克病毒阳性样本分别与普通鲤鱼和虾有关2份和1份。换句话说,在从池底进食的水生鱼类中观察到的病毒量最高。 Due to the fact this species breeds with other species and on the other hand this virus lives in the gastrointestinal tract, so the consumption of feces of other infected organisms can lead to an increase of this virus in the Carp digestive system.Conclusion: Therefore, due to the importance of Norwalk as a zoonotic disease and the possibility of human infection, through aquatic consumption, preventive measures such as not using animal manure for fertilization and phytoplankton growing in aquaculture ponds and full cooking meat concluded.
