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石油污泥是一种复杂的混合物含有不同数量的废油,浪费水,沙子和矿物质。石油行业负责大量的污泥的产生,这是一个环境污染的主要来源。含油污泥根据环境保护法危险废物和危险废物处理规则。这些污泥无法处理的垃圾,即使他们是经原油清除,除非他们完全修复。污泥产生的石油产业积聚在原油储罐,炼油厂产品坦克、脱盐剂,和其他地方在石油生产和加工。包含可采石油的烂泥不到40%被认为是低含油量烂泥。这些污泥处理处置之前,变成无害的东西。生物修复过程可用于这一目的。通常,炼油厂污泥含有含油量超过40%,几种方法用于分离油、水和固体。恢复石油被抽回炼油工艺,而固体和水应该是治疗前处理。 Several methods are available for processing and disposing of slop oil such as thermal, mechanical, biological, and chemical. Each method of processing has its advantages and disadvantages, and it is a common practice to utilize a combination of the four methods to maximize the output of usable oil from sludge. The first step in the process of disposing of the sludge is reclamation. In order to extract as much oil from the sludge as possible, a combination of chemicals and deemulsifiers is used. Topmost layers of oil are collected by the use of pumps and barges. The separation of the sludge is done with a centrifuge. The oil recovered is then delivered to a refinery or sold in the market. Hard particles, from which oil cannot be recovered, must then be disposed of. Hard particles are disposed of by the following ways: Incinerating unusable sludge (hard hydrocarbons-based substances mixed with water and emulsions) and harnessing heat and gases. Dehydration of sludge – the cleaned water is returned to the environment, and the hard particles are buried. Use of consolidating solutions for turning the sludge into a solid state. The solids can then be used in building projects. Use of Sludge as heat source. Biological remediation. The use of surfactants and emulsifiers will break up the old sludge and allow it to be removed from the container. Rhamnolipids, as a natural surfactant are useful in extracting these oil sludges and recovering them for use. These recovered sludges containing the rhamnolipid surfactants have most of the main properties of the original oil except for less viscosity.




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