

碳封存过程与碳捕捉和绘制能力的环境二氧化碳和可能明确提到“从空中向驱逐碳和保存在一个商店。”When completed intentionally, this may likewise be alluded to as carbon dioxide evacuation, which is a type of geoengineering. Carbon catch and capacity, where carbon dioxide is expelled from vent gases before being put away in underground stores. Normal biogeochemical cycling of carbon between the environment and supplies, for example, by substance enduring of rocks. Carbon sequestration is the procedure engaged with carbon catch and the drawn out capacity of environmental carbon dioxide and may allude explicitly to "The way toward expelling carbon from the air and saving it in a supply." When completed purposely, this may likewise be alluded to as carbon dioxide expulsion, which is a type of geoengineering. Carbon catch and capacity, where carbon dioxide is expelled from pipe gases (e.g., at power stations) before being put away in underground repositories. Normal biogeochemical cycling of carbon between the air and stores, for example, by synthetic enduring of rocks. Carbon dioxide might be caught as un adulterated result in forms identified with oil refining or from pipe gases from power age. Sequestration incorporates the capacity part of carbon catch and capacity, which alludes to huge scope, counterfeit catch and sequestration of mechanically created CO2 utilizing subsurface saline springs, supplies, sea water, maturing oil fields, or other carbon sinks. Carbon sequestration depicts long haul stockpiling of carbon dioxide or different types of carbon to either alleviate or concede a worldwide temperature alteration and keep away from hazardous environmental change. It has been proposed as an approach to slow the air and marine aggregation of ozone harming substances, which are discharged by copying petroleum products.









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