
自然(源自希腊语:ο ος,“房子”或“条件”;- λογ末梢(“研究”)[A]是生物学[1]的一部分,涉及生物之间的合作及其生物物理条件,包括生物和非生物部分。阴谋的主题包括生物多样性、占有、生物量和种群数量,就像物种内部和物种之间的参与和竞争一样。生物系统逐渐将生命形式的框架、它们所构成的网络以及它们所处环境的非生命部分连接起来。生物系统形式,如本质创造、土壤形成、补充循环和特殊发展,通过一个域控制着活力和物质的运动。这些过程得到具有明确生命史特征的生命形式的支持。生物学不等同于环境保护主义、共同历史或自然科学。它涵盖了与发育科学、遗传品质和动物行为学密切相关的研究。对环境学家来说,一个重要的焦点是提高对生物多样性如何影响生物能力的理解。生物学家试图阐明:生命的程序、合作和调整通过生命网络的物质和活力的发展生物系统的连续进步生物的丰富和分散以及与地球有关的生物多样性。 Environment has functional applications in protection science, wetland the board, characteristic asset the board (agroecology, farming, ranger service, agroforestry, fisheries), city arranging (urban biology), network wellbeing, financial matters, fundamental and applied science, and human social association (human nature). It isn't treated as independent from people. Life forms (counting people) and assets make environments which, thusly, keep up biophysical criticism instruments that moderate procedures following up on living (biotic) and non-living (abiotic) segments of the planet. Biological systems continue life-supporting capacities and produce characteristic capital like biomass creation (food, fuel, fiber, and medication), the guideline of atmosphere, worldwide biogeochemical cycles, water filtration, soil arrangement, disintegration control, flood security, and numerous other regular highlights of logical, authentic, financial, or natural worth. "Ecology" ("Ökologie") was begat in 1866 by the German researcher Ernst Haeckel. Biological idea is subsidiary of built up flows in reasoning, especially from morals and politics.[2] Ancient Greek logicians, for example, Hippocrates and Aristotle established the frameworks of biology in their examinations on common history. Present day biology turned into a significantly more thorough science in the late nineteenth century. Developmental ideas identifying with adjustment and characteristic choice turned into the foundations of current biological hypothesis.


